Saturday, 27 November 2010

Fear, Rules and self doubt

image found here
So here is  my Saturday post after being woken up by the dog (Boo),
I have made in class, and almost finished a custom skirt made from black velour with ribbon lacing fastening at both sides (corset style) which just needs hemming. And a emerald green crushed velvet shrug that ties in the middle that needs over locking.
I only have 4 hrs worth of lessons left until we break up for Christmas.
I REALLY want a top to match as well so I can wear this Christmas day.
I don't have time to make one in class, which means making it at home, by myself with no help.

Terrified to try.
Terrified that if I do try it will look a mess.
Terrified that if it doesn't work I will have wasted all that material.
That I will have FAILED.
I am not allowed to fail!

I know logically that the material didn't cost that much and is left over from my other projects.
I know that if it doesn't work its no real loss, that I will have probably learnt something in the process of failing.
I know that there is a chance it might work out really well.
Maybe if I was going to follow a pattern it would be less daunting, but i cant afford the patterns and I cant print one from the Internet so it will have to be all me.

Should I try it any way?
Should I give in on this idea?
I WISH I was skinny then this would be much easier less tailoring less curves....

That's all for now pondering and feeling low and confused and annoyed at my self at my stupid rules, fears and self doubt.

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