Thursday, 25 November 2010

Hold me up : writing workshop

Writing workshop : Hold me up

Hold me up in a world where I'm drowning
Hold me up lend me strength when I have none
You hold me up so i may see there is more than wood among the trees.
You hold me up while I try and re-find me.
You hold me up when I have no more tears to cry.
You held me up when I thought that i might die.
You held me up like an anchor tided to flotsam steadying it on rough seas
You held me up when all I wanted was to let go and cease to be me.

Thank you for not letting go when I said you could,
when i would have understood had you walked away.
Thank you for believing me, in us, I will love you forever.


  1. That is lovely , i attepmpted to write a poem similar (not published) and gave up but you captured what i was wanting to say perfectly .

  2. That's beautiful and very uplifting indeed.

    Visiting from the Writing Workshop :)
