Thursday, 25 November 2010

Childish Things : Writing workshop

Okay since my writing workshop this week was short I thought I'd do another post

Childish things make life worth living, if I ever get to the point when I cant laugh at my self or have childish fun shoot me!!!!!!
Image from Whitsy

So here are a few of my favorite childish things.

  • Jumping in puddles
  • Bubbles (the soapy ones in the tub, with the the wand to blow through)
  • Making Cornflake cakes (or any cake really) and licking the bowl
  • Making a wish as you blow the seed from the dandelion head
  • Pillow fights
  • Making daisy chains when sat in the park or garden

What are the childish things you still do and love?
Leave me a comment and let me know!!

1 comment:

  1. Childish things I still love to do...

    Kicking leaves in the autumn - nothing beats it.
    Making cupcakes - yummy
    Playing hide and seek - still cracks me up.

    Jumping in puddles is also a favourite and I think I'll be making wishes on dandelion heads for as long as I live.
