Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Itchy Feet.

Okay so its been a couple of days without a post, and for the few that check my posts I'm sorry but this snow has left me feeling down,alone and cold.

It's not that I don't like snow, really its not because I love how it looks all fresh and pretty, but being disabled with joint issues and breathing problems I start to feel cut off from the rest of the world, plans to go shopping get canceled as the snow is difficult to walk in, the cold sets my joints off, and the cold air hurts my throat when I start having breathing difficulties and gives me headaches.

However this being boxed up in my house has a secondary impact, it makes me want to finish decorating and tidy and then very.much annoyed with myself when before I am 1/4 way through the task i have set my self I'm exhausted.

However I'm feeling kind of inspired by some beautiful fabrics I have found on eBay. I'm in love with this brocade from TwinsMore-Fabric, the delicate design, beautiful colours, and I think it would make perfect drapes/window sash and look fab covering the seats of my dining room chairs.

But I don't think I can justify the purchase of the fabric as it will probably be many more months before the dining/kitchen room is decorated and I'm not sure if it would be to girly for Hubby.

but its simply beautiful.

I can see it with pale yellow walls and lilac/pink wood work but would it go with the grey and white kitchen tiles...

Hopefully  when I have made my mind up they will still have it on sale as I'm still looking for the right wallpaper Id love to just paint the walls but there not really in good enough condition :-(.

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