Tuesday, 23 November 2010

End of the world as I know it.. well diet anyway.

Okay so last week Hubby wasn't too well. He had a what we thought was either a stomach bug or food poisoning so Friday and Saturday was spent eating plain rice with egg and a little soy sauce and a few sesame seeds and he was feeling much better on Sunday. So on Sunday we went down to my parents and had tea there a really tasty pork steaks, mushrooms, carrots and onion cooked slowly in gravy served with mash and roasted potatoes and parsnips and some cauliflower. Really tasty!! come 11 o'clock that night he was being sick again this time with a bit off blood so in the morning off he went to the doctors who said he has Bacteria Acid Reflux. and he has to avoid most of the food we normally eat. No bread, No spices, No tomatoes or tomato based sauces, no pepper, no fatty food, only a little dairy, no garlic, no lots of things.

As you can imagine this is a hard thing to swallow for him and me (as i don't want to eat the things he can't eat when I'm with him as i feel really cruel). SO where does that leave us? he can have rice, some vegetables and fruit as long as there low in acid content. he can have pasta but not any sauces on it as most are either high acid or high fat because there cream based, salad but no dressing as they contain vinegar, no cheese as its high fat and the low fat hard cheese is not that nice in texture or taste.

so now my challenge is to find away to make bland food tasty using only herbs no pepper, no/very little garlic, pasta sauce he can have so we can still have pasta, some things for lunch that aren't the same as what we have fro tea as his usual sandwiches are out...


image from:http://blog.landscapedesign.co.nz

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