Tuesday, 7 December 2010


Okay its been nearly a week since I have posted anything here,
what can i say except I'm sorry for neglecting my blog but i have been busy, busy sewing, busy tidying, busy cooking just busy.

Last week i posted about weather i should have ago at making a top without a pattern and i did. I'm really pleased with most of it but the straps look a bit dodgy :-( and i haven't figured out why yet, once i have fixed them i will post some pictures. preferably once my skirt and shrug that i made it to match are finished over the next couple of weeks.

The Hubby's restricted diet is going well and isn't as much of a struggle as we expected it to be tho we have fallen off the wagon a few times generally not my idea, i must add except for the KRISPY KREAME  doughnuts.

i have a little more of my Christmas shopping done and even some presents wrapped and a tidy kitchen and almost tidy dining room even tho neither are decorated yet.

i am now facing 2 dilemma's what mobile phone to get next as my contract is up on boxing day, and what to do for Christmas dinner.

as my parents left it too late to book anywhere, my nan isn't forth coming about having it at hers again, my mums table is really too small and my house isn't decorated yet.

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