Thursday, 2 December 2010

Confused : writing workshop

Life is full of uncertainty but,
Id rather you hate me for everything I am
than ever love me for all that I am not. 
despite the pain I go through, have been through
Don't try to fix me I'm not broken. 
Because this is all apart of me,
take anything away who will I be?
Sometimes I remember the darkness of my past 
Bringing back these memories I wish I didn't have.
The bulling the hatred, tearing me apart.
Something inside me has opened up again,
I saved all the bullets from ignorant minds. 
The taunts and the names, there stupid games.
Life's kinda always been messing with me, 
Just when i thought i was finally free,
It gets all messed up again, wont leave me be.
But my dreams they aren't as empty,
as they used to be, i still hope, tho what will be, will be.
I finally know just what it means to let someone in.
To see the side of me that no one does or ever will.
You wrap your arms around me, tell me lies of innocence,
that make me smile and fight to believe,
that someday, some how ill be happy again.

(FFDP- Never enough)(Evanescence- haunted)(Linkin park- easier to run)(Slipknot- diluted)(Korn - freak on a leash) (Limp Bizkit - blue eyes)(Nickleback-id come for you)

This weeks writing workshop was to write something, inspired by song lyrics or titles, i chose to kind of do a collage of diffreent lyrics from different metal and rock bands to for a poem of sorts. im not sure if its cheating, but given as much scope as we were this week i strugled with aalot of indecision till i came up with this idea. feel free to leave me any feed back.


  1. I don't think it's cheating, I thing it's rather good xx

  2. That's amazing and some really great songs there!

  3. thank you for your lovely comments, its no too bad still not 100% happy with it but it will do for now lol and welcome to my little place in cyberspace xxx

  4. Thank you for commenting and following my Herding Cats blog! It is true that I do spend a lot of my time trying the herd the blighters.

    My cats even have their own blog, hence the name The Paw Relations
