Tuesday, 20 September 2011


Picture taken by me
Model : Firey_phoenixx
Okay so I'm not going to say sorry or make excuses for not posting for nearly a year, I lost track of what I was doing with my blog, lost focus and lost my inspiration... and just plain couldn't be bothered, so yeah sorry doesn't cut it..

So here I'm back again

My post today is about shoes, my underfunded clothing obssesion shared by many women (and men) all over the world.

How is it, that a pair of shoes or boots has the power to not only change the look of an outfit.. but also change how we look at ourselves, they change our mood, demeanor, attitude etc, so to me it is no wonder that us women have lots of them.

So after looking for some new shoes I thought I would share one of my favorites so far :-)

OK so these will not be every ones cup of tea, but I LOVE them, I think there cute, sassy, sexy and fun. I think they would go with jeans, dresses, skirts, day or night, there just all around FAB. These are currently in the sale at Schuh At £44.99 by Red or dead and can be found here and also come in blue at £54.99 

1 comment:

  1. What you said about shoes changing how we feel is so true! I love those shoes too! Just followed your blog:)
